Sunday, February 1, 2009

Scouting around...

Friday afternoon I used my few kid-free hours to scout around the stores in Old Town Fort Collins. It was a nice afternoon and I really enjoyed wandering around with no kiddos or husband in tow. I talked to a local artisan's co-op which looked like a lot of fun really. A very diverse group of artists with quite a bit of jewelry but only two lampworkers. The next jury meeting isn't until the end of March so I have some time to work out what I'd like to submit. The owners of the store I wanted to talk to about selling my work were out until after the weekend so I left my work with a friend in the store next door and she'll take them over next week. I'm also hoping that perhaps some of them will sell while waiting around this weekend ;). Keep your fingers crossed that they'll like my work and I'll have an amazing retail outlet!

Tomorrow is my middle son's birthday and we're partying down today. We'll have cupcakes and ice cream after lunch and then head to town to the roller rink. I'm even going to try to rollerblade! Hopefully tomorrow will be back to the torch.

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